Success Stories of 43A6DI and NX09I9

Groom's Details: Prashanth P(43A6DI)
Bride's Details: Divya K (NX09I9)
Wedding Date: 15 January 2008

And now these three remain: faith hope and love. But greatest of these is love. [1 COR 13:13]

God has best plans for us in our lives, more than what we expect or imagine. We had always thought things would work our way (dreams, ambitions and so on..) till we met the Lord in this Church and realized the truth that it’s not our way but his way. Ever since, God has been working wonders in all aspects of our life.

Even during the time of our marriage, we trusted the Lord and prayed and God has blessed both of us abundantly. The New Life Fellowship family(church) has always been very supportive and stood with us in everything. It’s wonderful to be a part of this family, where people are always set to help, love and keep giving without any expectation. We have been married for few years now, filled with joy and experiencing the love of God.

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